Bust the Myth- Male Fertility

Jun 03, 2019

When a couple is unable to conceive, it is mostly the woman who is held responsible. There is nothing like a male fertility test that men even think of getting done. However, this is one of the biggest mistakes. A number of studies and research have been proof enough that male infertility is equally responsible towards a couple's infertility. Here is a list of some of the most common myths related to male fertility and the truth behind them.

Myth: Having Sex Daily will improve the chances of conception

Fact: Based on a popular study by Allen J. Wilcox, Clarice R. Weinberg and Donna D. Baird, "Timing of Sexual Intercourse in Relation to Ovulation,"  it is evident that conception majorly depends on the timing of intercourse.  The best time for conception is anywhere between the 11th and 17th day of a woman's menstrual cycle. The sperm can live for up to 48 to 72 hours in a woman's reproductive tract so having sex daily is of no use. However, sexual intercourse on a daily basis does improve the quality of sperm.

Myth: I am physically fit hence I would be fertile

Fact: A physically fit person is, no doubt, free from diseases and has a strong immune system. The person would have controlled blood pressure and cholesterol too with all other vitals in a good shape. However, being physically fit is not a sign of fertility. It does not imply that one would have improved fertility and healthy sperms.

Myth: I have a low sperm count, I can never have a baby

Fact: Having a low sperm count merely indicates that the body does have sperms but they are comparatively lesser in number. Males with low sperm count can conceive normally, however, it is an indicator of a poor lifestyle. The poor lifestyle may be due to various habits like smoking, drinking or having nutritious food as a part of the regular diet. Men with a low sperm count are able to conceive but it may be a little complicated than others. To improve sperm count, exercise and a healthy diet are known to be the biggest boosters.

Myth: Higher testosterone levels in the body increase fertility

Fact: Too much testosterone can actually shut down the sperm production instead of increasing the count. Most men believe that high level of testosterone is an indication of having a higher fertility rate and start the consumption of supplements for the same. However, this is completely false. In fact, when the intake of testosterone supplements is stopped, the sperm count increases rather than decreasing.

Myth: Age has little or no connection to male fertility

Fact: Male fertility is highly dependant on the age of a man. In fact, there has been a study to conclude that age raises the risk of infertility in men too. It is important for men to be aware of their age and fertility potential during conception. If one plans to delay fatherhood, the best way to preserve fertility is by freezing the sperm. For older men who are looking at conception, a semen analysis would give an insight into the fertility potential.

Myth: Other Health problems DO NOT affect male fertility

Fact: Many other health conditions have proven to affect male fertility over the course of time. For instance, conditions like diabetes and liver cirrhosis lead to abnormal male ejaculation due to nerve damage; muscles in the bladder close during ejaculation to prevent the entry of semen, during retrograde ejaculation, semen redirects to the bladder when muscles fail to activate. Any concern about a chronic condition affecting male fertility is best when addressed to the doctor.

Myth: Diet does not affect male fertility

Fact: Poor diet and nutrition can have considerable effects on fertility. It is simple, you are what you eat. A recent study done on men visiting the fertility clinic has proven that high-fat diets reduce the sperm count. A plant-based diet, on the other hand, improves fertility and overall health. The best is to avoid any sort of processed food and consuming organic foods as much as possible.

Myth: Electronic Gadgets like laptops, cellphones, and bicycles do not have any effect on the semen quality

Fact: Heat in extreme amounts may pose damage to the testes and lead to declining semen quality. The heat from electronic gadgets like laptops and cell phones; riding bicycles and taking hot water baths can affect the sperm. In fact, even the emissions from cell phones can lead to sperm damage. The available solution here is keeping the phones in the back pocket and using a laptop fan to cool down the device. However, semen quality declines only in extreme or regular exposure to heat, which is why you can lower your worries. It is okay to go for a hot water bath once in a while as it would not be as harmful. Bibliography
  1. https://www.mensxp.com/health/live-healthy/5969-busted-top-myths-related-to-male-fertility.html
  2. https://www.gaudiumivfcentre.com/blog/busting-the-myths-related-to-male-fertility/
  3. https://www.spermcheck.com/myths-vs-facts-male-infertility/
  4. https://fcionline.com/our-center/news-and-media/press-releases/mens-health-month-11-male-infertility-myths-debunked/

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