Everything you need to know about Vaginal Boils

May 31, 2019

A vaginal boil is a lump that develops on the vaginal lining and is usually filled with pus. It is typically the result of the blocked hair follicle or oil glands. There could be several causes of vaginal boils. Boils can appear in any area of the human body. However, vaginal boils are found on the labia, in the pubic area or outside the vagina. Some skin conditions may be similar to vaginal boils, but they may be slightly different. For instance, abscesses are identical but usually deeper skin infections than boils.

Causes of Vaginal Boils

There are a number of factors and conditions that may cause vaginal boils. Some of the common causes of vaginal boils are-

Infectious organisms-

Boils may be a result of infectious organisms like bacteria. Some of the common bacteria leading to boils are Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Chlamydia trachomatis.

Skin Conditions-

One major skin condition that can cause vaginal boils is folliculitis. This occurs when bacteria infect a hair follicle. Usually occurring as a side effect of irritation caused by shaving or waxing pubic hair, a bump may form. A bump is small but painful and eventually grow more significant into a boil.


One of the most common reasons of vaginal boils is the Bartholin gland cyst, which is a result of infection of the Bartholin glands, located under the skin of the vaginal opening. A blockage in these glands can lead to the formation of a hard bump causing a cyst or

Sexually transmitted infections-

STIs and genital piercing are one of the underlying causes of vaginal boils. Women who have thicker pubic hair growth are at an increased risk of vaginal boils.

Home Remedies for Vaginal Boils

Treatment of a vaginal boil is not usually necessary as it heals itself. One does not need to take medications for the same; it can usually be treated at home. However, one needs to be careful while treating the vaginal boil as the female vagina is a sensitive body part, and any incorrect remedy may worsen the problem.

Some of the home remedies to treat vaginal boils include-

Hot Compress- A hot compress is one of the most recommended treatments for vaginal boils as it softens the boil and promotes blood circulation and drainage. It also relieves the body of pain and burning sensation. Here is what you need to do- Take a bowl of hot water and soak a gauge in it. Get rid of the excess water and keep it on the boil until cool. After this, apply petroleum jelly or coconut oil so as to accelerate the healing process and also prevent the boil against any friction caused due to undergarments. You can now discard gauge and clean your hands and the bowl. Sitz Bath- A sitz bath may be purchased from most drug stores as a plastic ring that can be filled with warm water and placed over a toilet bowl. However, if one wants to avoid the purchase, one could just sit in a shallow bath filled with lukewarm water. Maintaining proper hygiene- Wash off the boil with antibacterial soap, clean the soap with water and dry the area using a clean towel. Avoid any form of rubbing or touching the boil area inappropriately as it could further make the matters severe. Avoid wearing tight underwear- Make sure that the underwear is not very tight and has enough room for breathing. Tight underwear can rub against the boil and inflame it. Pro TIP: Do not attempt to prick or squeeze the vaginal because it could increase the irritation and lead to further damage.

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