What is insomnia? Insomnia is a sleep disorder affecting a large number of people all over the world. Individuals with insomnia find it extremely difficult to fall asleep, and even if they do get some....
Selfitis- Selfitis or the selfie disorder is a term that was coined long back as a joke- is now a severe condition. It is described as the extreme obsession of taking selfies on mobile phones. The ....
What is Meningitis? Meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes that cover and protect the brain and the spinal cord. According to the National Health Profile report, approximately 27000 of cases....
What is Spine Surgery? Injuries, ageing, restrictive body mechanics, trauma and structural deformity, can injure the spine. In severe cases, it may further lead to chronic back pain and other problem....
Pregnancy is one of the most amazing experiences in a woman's life. A miracle of its own kind, an entire human being comes into existence, and that too, from just one cell. However, pregnancy comes wi....
Sharda Hospital boasts of the team of veteran doctors it has empanelled in different un....
Dr. G.D. Sharma, Professor, SMS&R delivered a lecture on “Stroke - Treatable ....
Sharda Hospital invited students of SMS&R and everyone else to participate in Healt....