Prevention of Diseases During Floods

  • Aug 29, 2018

Diseases and Safety Measures post-Kerala Floods Kerala Floods have finally started receding, sweeping away hundreds of precious lives and properties. The floods have rendered thousands of people hom....

When Are You the Most Contagious?

  • Aug 02, 2018

Even after several precautions, one may end up with cold or flu. When there is a sudden change in temperature, the body tries to balance itself more quickly than normal. As a result, it weakens the re....

Sudden Cardiac Death: Symptoms, Causes and Preventions

  • Jun 15, 2018

Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) most often occurs in patients with heart disease. It mainly affects those who have congestive heart failure and have had a heart attack. About 92% of people who exper....

FAQs about Kidney Transplant Procedure

  • May 15, 2018

When a doctor suggests a kidney transplant, it is majorly because a patient's kidney may have stopped functioning. The two basic options for treating kidney failure are dialysis and kidney transplanta....

7 Ways to Find Inner Peace in Busy Life!

  • May 09, 2018

Sometimes a simple change in your look, an unexpected compliment or a helping gesture towards someone can bring you peace and happiness all at once. However, in the whirlwind of life, we tend to forge....

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